Have A Look At My Villa In Murla

Its Under Sales of Costa Blanca North

Its Paradisio :-).

Also there is a Large 72M2 Almacen there that would lend itself very easily to stables as well and a very large plot of flat land in front ideal for horses :-)


Still for sale :-)

Commented Len Ridgway in Los Balcones 2011-12-23 16:20:52 UTC


If you’d like to become a winner, you’re not alone. Winners are the icing on the cake of society, the cherry in the cocktail of life and overall just the coolest people on earth.
But what is a “winner”, actually? Is Bill Gates a winner? How about Mother Theresa? Or Gandhi? What about Vincent van Gogh, who hardly sold any paintings during his life time? Can you be declared a winner in retrospect? And who declares the winners in the first place?
Ah… hold on. I think we may finally have found the right question: Who declares the winners?
Is it God? Does he point his finger to draw a line between winners and losers? Or maybe it’s a highly regarded group of success gurus who make the decision? Do they publish a list of winners online? And do you have to buy their training course to earn your winner badge?
What about your friends? Surely, what they think of you must be right? But what if you find new friends who think differently?
The one with the right to judge you
Darn… this is getting complicated. We might actually have to stop asking questions and start facing the truth. You might have to accept the harsh reality that there’s only one single person who has all the power to decide whether you’re a winner or not. Someone who can determine your fate, who has the right to judge you and who can change your life with his or her thoughts alone.
It’s you, of course. Which really doesn’t make things any easier. I mean, what are you supposed to think of yourself? Who tells you what you should think? Is it God? Or maybe a group of highly regarded — ok, let’s not go through all that again.
The bottom line is this: It’s all on you. You’re the only one who gets to decide and nobody else has the power to “help” you with your decision.
By now, we realise that our starting question doesn’t quite fit. “Are you a winner?” isn’t really a question anyone can answer. Why don’t we replace it with “Do you feel like a winner?”. If you’re the only who gets a say in this anyway, then your feelings and thoughts are all that matters, aren’t they?
So, do you feel like a winner? I certainly do. Sometimes. At other times, I feel like a total failure: weak, vulnerable and helpless.
My guess is that you’re like me. I think that you try to think well of yourself, and often succeed — but not always.
How to feel like a winner
To help you feel like a winner more often, I’d like to show you a little exercise that has helped me personally a lot. In order to do so, I’ll build on the exercise that Douglas Cartwright has suggested for changing the way we look at problems.
Here’s what to do:
Step 1:
In writing, make a list of your successes in life. Start with your childhood. How you learned
to swim, or to ride a bike. Then work your way up to today. Your first kiss, your high-school
graduation. The first job. Your first promotion. You get the picture.
Steps 2 – 1,000,000:
From now on, every time you experience a new success, read through the whole list again. Then
add the new success to the list.
This activity shifts your thinking significantly. Instead of registering your successes as isolated events, your mind will start to interlink them.
As a result, you don’t just think “Wow, I’ve achieved a success” whenever you have a success-experience. Instead, you think “Wow, I’m a successful person” — a winner.

For more details check out: http://cytguides.com/84PersonalDevelopmentReports/?e=Kasinspain


Joe Longthorne in Concert

Night Out Promotions working together with Personality Artistes Ltd Present Joe LongThorne '' A Man And His Music ''
Live at the Teatro Municipal, Torrevieja
On Monday 10th October 2011
Show starts 8pm
Tickets are priced at 25 basic, 35 Improved view, 50 premium seats and a few after show party passes still available.
Tickets are available from the theatre box office, or contact Night Out Promotions on 966 732 215 or 672 885 418
or visit www.nightoutpromotions.com

Are you looking to sell your property and finding it hard and that you keep getting offers you cannot afford to accept? Or worse still know one is really showing an interest? But you are still having to pay the bills including the mortgage?

Well the truth is prices will not rise for at least a couple of years. So why not do the sensible and prudent thing? Keep it, but gain an income to pay the Bills by taking on a Long term let.

If interested please e-mail: [email protected] with basic details of your property plus a contact telephone number.
We do have a list of clients that could be interested.


Stables for sale

Stables for sale
Stables for sale on The Costa Blanca Equestrian type properties.


We also have available a good selection of country properties where stables could be situated.
(0034)96 679 0844 or email [email protected]


All On Board For A Spanish Life!

All Abroad is looking forward to its link-up with ‘A Spanish Life’ which will see one of the most comprehensive websites covering communities in Spain combine its resources with one of the most popular expat magazines around! We offer advice, info, features, and articles all relevant to life as an expat in Spain and with the help of A Spanish Life we’ll be able to spread our message (and some cracking jokes…).
A Spanish Life, like All Abroad, offers expats the chance to tell their story and recount their experiences and now those tips and advice (and warnings!) will be spread around the Costas via the web with A Spanish Life and All Abroad which is a hard copy magazine (free, 5th every month) available at the moment, on the Costa Blanca only.
All Abroad has been running for seven years now (formerly known as The Jungle Drums) and their experts and contributors know what it is like to be an expat in Spain, and they always tell you about anything with a smile on their face!
Welcome and we hope you’ll experience your Spanish Life with all of us here at All Abroad and A Spanish Life!


Great Book

My wife bought a book from Amazon.co.uk, brilliant, its a single ladies view of being single in her 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s. Title "Another one bites the dust" by Wendy Bolton-Williams, check it out, we both laughed out loud, true story.


Am-drams Get Professional Director

Written by Bernard King
Thursday, 25 August 2011

Careline Theatre, long renowned for presenting amateur theatre with the professional touch, are likely to increase that ‘touch’ in their next production, ‘A State of Affairs’ by Graham Swannell. This witty exploration of relationships which plays their Alcalali theatre from Thursday 6 to Saturday 8 October will be directed by professional actor, director and drama teacher, Lee Walker.
Swannell takes a penetrating look at four not uncommon relationships and presents them as four short plays. One relationship suffers from the monotony that can come from a couple being together for a long time. Another is the illusion of the perfect affair, no love, a lot of sex and no consequences. Then, there is the disastrous relationship created by a man who can’t have any secrets from his wife, even the secret that he is having a ‘dabble’. Finally, there are the young couple that find nappies and sleepless nights are great deprivers of sex and fun. Swannell’s look at sex, adultery and marriage is revealing, compassionate and humorous - you’ll enjoy an absorbing evening with a smile on your face.

Lee will be directing a very strong cast which includes Candida Wright, Andy Crabb, Dennis Arthurs, Neil Carter, Linda Arthurs, Brenda Taylor, Leigh Patterson, Jim Sissons and Tony Lawley.

Curtain-up each evening is at 20.00hrs. Tickets are priced at 12 euros with a 10% discount for party bookings of ten and over and are available from the box office on 652 294 750.

Free Spanish Lessons

Free Spanish Lessons

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Pop in and have a look it is fairly easy this way.

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